[24 ✬] Pets became untradable. Barns got 6 more slots for pets: Barn (level 0) got 1 more free slot, other Barn levels will unlock 2 pet slots instead of 1. |
[17 ✬] Time limit added to the bounties, so if nobody claims the bounty, it will disappear after 3 hours. Increased available bounties to 8 instead of 5. Any logs can be requested without woodworking level requirement. |
[12 ✬] Bounties have been released. You can find them in the Slayer profession. Bounties are game wide, so everyone sees the same Bounties. |
[08 ✬] Auto-consumption for fish and meat has been doubled. Captcha will appear every 6 hours instead of 4, you will be able to complete it 30min before it appears (before it was 15min). 24 hours no Captcha option removed. Now you can sell and request items for up to 500m (before 200m). |
[27 ✬] New Raid released - Forsaken Ruins. Raid monster stats reduced (except for Darkfire Volcano). Costs for creating Raiding parties and joining them reduced (except for Darkfire Volcano). If you die 3 times against Raid Boss, you won't be able to attack him again and won't get his treasure. Chat message will appear after each death while fighting Raid Boss. |
[22 ✬] Dragon Keys have been updated (Some new things added, couple things removed). |
[11 ✬] Raid Party Leaders can disband raids before the raid start now. Atlas Island bosses are slightly weaker. All mini bosses will have the same chance for Pet food (1/5). |
[04 ✬] Small captcha change, from now on while doing artisan profession (like crafting or cooking and etc.) actions won't stop for captcha, unless you click somewhere else, similar to gathering. All level limits for Hell bosses increased, from 80-120, to 85-125. Some bosses will have more health, from Abomination to Nightmare. |
[03 ✬] Dragon Essence will work while Jewelcrafting. Soul Stones have been reworked. They now show how much XP you would get in each skill before using. Magic added to the Soul Stones too. Minimum required level added according to the power of the Soul Stone, from 5 to 25. |
[30 ✬] Redwood Carvings and Invocations released. |
[25 ✬] All Hiscores have been updated. If you are not in the Top 20, down below you will be able to see 2 players in front of you and 2 players below. From now on you can also click on the names too. |
[14 ✬] New section added in the Hiscores, called "Overall Hiscores". You can see all Hiscore positions in one place. Also after 1 day, you can update to see the change, if you went up or down. Overall Hiscores will update automatically if your last visit was more than 30 days ago once you visit that page. |
[08 ✬] Stamina Cost reduced for doing dungeons twice, new option added to do dungeons 3 times in a row. |
[05 ✬] Elm Carvings and Invocations released. Woodchipper 100+ lvl ability is working now. |